Alan-Michael Carter
November 24, 2020

“Boys’ Latin will always have a special place in my heart. From the moment of my shadow day, BL felt like home to me. BL gave me an excellent education that prepared me in my academic endeavors after leaving Boys’ Latin. This school created lasting memories and a brotherhood that still has a strong bond today. BL hosts an environment for the well-rounded student, providing opportunities to grow outside of the classroom and field. I can remember the freedom to start and lead clubs and different community service projects. These experiences, paired with excellent teachers and mentors, developed me into the man and leader I am today.”
As an active member of his community, Alan-Michael serves as Co-Director of REGAL Women and ROYAL Men Internship Program, a mentoring program serving Baltimore area youth; and he is an active member of the Boys’ Latin Alumni Association. Alan-Michael is a realtor, passionately helping others build wealth through residential real estate. He also serves as a youth pastor at his local church. He is husband to Sydney and father to two girls, Aria and Alex.
Where I’ve Studied:
Morgan State University, 2016
Bachelor of Science, Accounting
My Career:
Upper School Mathematics Teacher – Boys’ Latin School of Maryland
Co-Director – REGAL Women and ROYAL Men Internship Program