B.E.S.T. Family Holiday Drive Thru Celebration

December 6, 2021

On Sunday, December 5th, B.E.S.T. families were invited to kick off the holiday season at the B.E.S.T. Family Holiday Drive Thru Celebration hosted at the Odyssey School. Families were greeted by the B.E.S.T. Staff and our favorite DJ sharing a great playlist of holiday classics. Everyone who drove through received a goody bag filled with a cookie decorating kit, hot cocoa and marshmallow toppers, along with warm wishes for the holidays. Thank you to Head of School, Marty Sweeney for hosting us on the Odyssey School campus and Mr. Darnell White for bringing the holiday cheer with all of the festive songs. We wish everyone a Happy and Healthy Holiday Season in the weeks ahead and a wonderful winter break!