B.E.S.T. Member School Networking Breakfast

August 14, 2019

Each August, B.E.S.T. hosts a Member School Networking Breakfast, bringing together those individuals who have roles in Admissions, Diversity and Inclusion, College Counseling, and Alumni Relations, as well as Division Heads. Members of the B.E.S.T. staff shared updates in Admissions, Programs and Alumni Relations, as well as outlined the special, supportive funding available to help enhance the experiences of our students. Jessica Suriano, Executive Director, reinforced the importance of and B.E.S.T.’s gratitude for the partnerships we have with our member school colleagues. B.E.S.T. looks forward to the continued collaboration and thoughtful engagement with our 18 member schools throughout the 2019-2020 school year!

Peggy Bittner, Director of Programs & Alumni Relations; Crystal Alston ’96, Director of Advancement; Kim Dorsey, Admissions Associate; Jessica Suriano, Executive Director; Rachel Minnis, Development & Programs Associate; Alecia Pridgen, Director of Enrollment Management; Jill Wood, Director of Finance & Operations

Laura Karey, Jemicy School and Kristin Tubman and Hunt Heffner, Boys’ Latin School

Elizabeth Sutley, Calvert School and April Carroll, Roland Park Country School

Colleagues from Calvert School and Roland Park Country School

Colleagues from Park School, Maryvale Preparatory School, Gilman School and Key School