Nikki Hasselbarth Kerman

November 24, 2020











“B.E.S.T. gave me the opportunity to expand my world in a way that I may not have otherwise had the privilege to do. While it was a bit of a culture shock at first, attending the Park School of Baltimore for my last two years of high school allowed me to consider a wider range of college options and prepared me to excel. I was encouraged to take responsibility for my own education and to be self-motivated. My experience at Park taught me to never settle and that I can succeed in anything I put my mind to. That experience would not have been possible without B.E.S.T.”

Where I’ve Studied:
Columbia University, 2008
Bachelor of Arts, Comparative Ethnic Studies

Duke University School of Law, 2014
Juris Doctor

My Career:
Lawyer (Nonprofits/Trusts & Estates) – Venable LLP (Los Angeles)